Andreini stopped by for the nite and dropped off a couple of custom 's
Marc and I were both working at Yater's in 1975 and we made some 7'11'' stringerless V- bottoms . We both loved those boards and always talk about making some new ones, so.
Foil , big props to Bob McTavish , Miget Farrelly and Greenough!
This is my 9'4'' McK
Marc has a 9'4'' but with a concave from the nose to the middle of the board .
V= H20
Mine just has Hull to V.
This is a custom for Flo, a Andreini Double Ender .
8'8'' Stringerless, volan glass.
Wide point back a bit behind center = good backside board, Flo is goofy like me.
Very similar to the Liddle "ID" Marc and Greg have been makin these type of boards for 40 + years and as time goes by you get new idea's how to work out the kinks and make updated boards .
The shotboard revolution went so fast , I think most of the designs never got the bugs worked out of them. We really are influenced by that style of surfing in movies like, The Hot Generation , Children of the Sun and Innermost Limits of Pure Fun. On a side note Marc surfed the 9'4'' on the way down and on the way back home in some fun surf and said the 9'4'' Frickin rips and is fun as hell .