Sunday, December 30, 2012

Kevin Murpuy Cowboy Hats

Anybody out there lookin for a really good custom hat , should lookup Kevin Murphy in Santa Ynez , 3569 Sagunto St. 93460  ph 805 686 4790 the hat maker of choice of Los Padres Outfitters and Vaqueros de Las Olas


  1. Anonymous12/30/2012

    Nice ads on the site. Really adds to things...

  2. Just tryin to help a Friend who makes a hand made, in the USA, good product, and if you don't think it adds any thing to this blog don't bother comin back .

  3. Anonymous12/31/2012

    hmmm, i think anon was being nice, not sarcastic. anyway, speaking of hats, mine should be done this week.
    el vaquero

  4. Anonymous1/03/2013

    "Lighten up Fancis"
    "You just made my list"

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