Got the call to help out our buddy Bruce Sandifer . Stop at the Roundup for lunch and beer run in SY.
Mikey M finishing up the bread just before the dinner bell. Los Padres Outfitters did the cookin 250 people is a lot of tritip, Mike and Dillon kicked butt on the BQ.
The Santa Ynez Museum was cool to have this benefit here, lots art and gear were donated to help Bruce . Bruce Sandifer is a Santa Barbara horseman who carries forward the traditions of the Spanish Vaqueros and teaches the classic Californio - style of riding and roping He had a bad accident at the Grand Fiesta Riata in Alturas last month and had to be airlifted to Reno to put his pelvis back together , not good! and has no health insurance . So everybody pitched in to help out.
Most of the Los Padres Outfitters crew and Bruce in his new ride for the next 6 mo. Dinner done and ready for the auction and concert.
WMA entertainer of the year Dave Stamey donated his time and put on a great show . A nice afternoon and evening was had by all who helped out a great cowboy.