RV ride this week
Marc's Dad John, his horse won the big horse race last year, this was in the RV museum.
Cachuma creek running nice this year.
Our buddy Mike Narochi's main ranch house, my dream house.
Lookin down towards the RV Jayneway camp.Cachuma Lake right in the middle of the picture.
These guys make the best tacos I have ever had , they have this down.
Cabana view .
These guys were from Austin, played the Amigo's camp sunday nite, nice rig.
Old trouble makers Lee and Rich takin it in, I've had some frickin classic times with these 2 guys the last 12yrs.
Steve Woods from Bakersfield, good music and nice guy.
My favorite hat in the RV Museum. I think artist Joe DeYoung did this , it's in the Cowboy Hat book by Bill Reynolds and Ritch Rand .
Elmer Awl, and artist Ed Borein at the same bar in the museum 1936.
Same bar.
The same old Bar Back in action , that's Zack Moore , Matt Moore's younger son holding the bar up we both helped Los Padres Outfitters the last 4 days, Zack was a big help, his first RV ride.
My prefered ride , 4 wheel drive.
Headed down to the camp.
Nice weather , not to hot this year .
Zack , Mike and Soto at the first camp, Jackson camp, getting ready for Alasal ranch ride .
Pete flyin the colors.
Trail boss, Wayne Powers and Graham Goodfield owner operator of LPO. Best weather in years , thanks Graham.